Lost Your Keys?

The new Key Ring helps employees access benefit provider websites.

Written by
Kendall Buchanan
Published on
August 15, 2024
Lost Your Keys?

"There's too many websites."

It's true. Employees juggle too many websites to make sense of their benefits. There's paystubs, insurance claims, maybe a 401(k) portal, a wellness app, an enrollment system, the time tracker...

"And you want us to add another website to this mess?"

Here's what's going on: If it feels like benefits are lost in a cloud of confusing sites and benefit providers this is a sign they're not effectively using their benefits too.

Pendant is where employees take full advantage of their benefits. So if Pendant is already answering on-demand questions, like, "Does my vision plan cover LASIK?", it can help them access their paystubs, even if employees can't remember where to find them.

It's simple, really. We call it the Key Ring, and it appears on your Pendant home page:

A "key" also appears as a prominent jump-link on each benefit, helping employees quickly access the benefit's associated provider:

You're welcome to add as many keys to benefits as you like.

We hope you enjoy this simple new solution for helping employees quickly access their array of benefit provider websites!


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