Announcing: Surveys For Benefits

Use surveys to discover how your employees think about their benefits.

Written by
Kendall Buchanan
Published on
August 15, 2024
Announcing: Surveys For Benefits
Announcing: Surveys For Benefits

I'm super excited to announce a powerful new addition to Pendant: surveys for benefits. Pendant hosts exhaustive opportunities for employees to learn about their benefits. Surveys, however, give you insights into how your employees think about their benefits: what they know, use and like.

Let's dive into the details.

Collect Data Organically, Over Time

Pendant surveys collect data organically while living on your benefits' overview pages. For example, here is a prompt for a survey on the Gym Membership benefit:

Clicking the link takes the user to the survey itself:

Thus you can collect your employees' thoughts while they're researching or reading about benefits for whatever reason. You can collect survey data indefinitely and watch how feedback changes over time.

Integrate Surveys With Your Checklists

Another powerful way to integrate surveys into your standard workflow is by including them in your checklists:

For example: a new employee only has fresh eyes once. Consider adding a survey to the bottom of your "New Employee Onboarding" checklist to check in on how onboarding is actually experienced.

Collect Data Now

Of course, you can also send surveys to specific employee groups to gather feedback immediately:

They will receive invitations to complete the survey as emails and in-app notifications.

Inspect The Results

Finally, the fun part! As feedback rolls in, either because employees are providing feedback organically, or all at once because you invited them, the data are organized neatly for your inspection:

We've started running these surveys ourselves with our own employees, and we've been surprised at the results! When you're satisfied the survey has run its course, simply close it.

Crafting Surveys For Actual Learning

Soon I'll be posting about using surveys to actually move the needle on employee satisfaction and utilization. Many of Pendant's features provide you with detailed quantitative usage data—e.g. What are employees looking at most?—but surveys focus on the qualitative part: What do employees actually think? Which benefits do they value, and why?

Knowledge really is power, and getting at that knowledge takes a bit of skill and courage. So stay tuned!

If you're interested in seeing how Pendant surveys integrate with your benefits wiki, click here and we'll show you, no pressure.


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