Link checklists from... checklists.
A week ago, we had an idea: Banzai, Pendant's owner, has been upgrading our security protocols to meet yet higher compliance goals; while reviewing those protocols, we decided it'd be wise to ensure that every new hire, regardless of their function, was exposed to a short primer on security.
At Banzai we're already training new employees using Pendant's handy checklists, so it was only natural to drop those new security instructions into the onboarding checklist.
But! Rather than extend our checklist by three, four, or five items, we wanted only one: e.g. "Do the Security Checklist."
So, now Pendant links checklists together! It's easy:
When you're editing or creating a new checklist, and you want to link a step to another checklist, you'll find them at the top of the select box.
Hope you enjoy!